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elcome to, a website dedicated to providing authoritative and premier source-level information regarding public and private policy / initiatives affecting Quality and Patient Safety in healthcare throughout all United States.

nformation has two major characteristics on the Internet, STRUCTURE and PRESENTATION. manages information by giving it structure. strives to present comprehensive and authoritative information in different formats and in variable depth that bridges geographical and organizational barriers and appeals to a broad spectrum of users - - - from health policy researchers to health care Consumers.

emantic web concepts of information management, as espoused by a creator of the Internet, are fundamental to Each piece of information has a point-source (or a surrogate source) electronic address on the Internet that can be accessed with attribution by linking to the specified URL (Uniform Resource Locator). By this standard, provides attributive links to Internet information. Where not accessible on the Internet, has recreated / adapted source information with attribution.

evelopment of is an ongoing project under the direction of Richard C. Phillips, MD, a cardio-thoracic surgeon with over 25-years of experience in Quality Improvement and data management and significant experience in Medical Informatics and Public Health in Health Services Research. [. . . more]

pen-source and non-proprietary are fundamental concepts to breaking down barriers to collaboration and sharing. has no hidden agenda or support, and the developer welcomes collaboration and sharing of all information with all legitimate stakeholders.

uch of the scope of is yet unattained due to the immensity of the challenge. addresses three categories of Quality and Patient Safety: ‘Medical Errors and Patient Safety,’ ‘Performance Measures’, and ‘Cardiac Registries.’ The developer prioritizes the first two sections. Research is an ongoing endeavor and much completed research awaits publication. The Developer begs your indulgence and patience and welcomes your feedback, especially where information is outdated or errant.

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